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Welcome to My House

Welcome to my disorganized and sparsely furnished nest. You never know what might appear: a house, a chair, a new idea.

Birdie Sings the Blues

I learned to love the blues a very long time ago, listening to records. Yes I did say records. 33 rpm. It was that long ago. Mississippi John Hurt in particular was my hero. I thought, "I've gotta learn to play like that." And I've been trying (on and off) ever since. Still trying. Of course other infuences have crept in along the way and even back the, but Mississippi John is still first in my musical heart.


Bluesbird On Stage

Ms. Bluesbird was the featured performer at the Sunapee Community CoffeeHouse on November 3, 2017

Onstage Again

Performing at an Open Mic in Andover.

We Also Spin Webs

Songbird. Spider. What's the difference? Well actually there's a big one, but they're two big sides of the same person. Try not to imagine the image of what that amalgam might look like in a single creature.

More to come.


Poet's Corner

Verses and lyrics tug at my hem. Does human life really matter? Or are we just the way poems have found to reproduce their kind.


In mauris id platea semper bibendum et tristique ut in vulputate cursus eu nec. Eget scelerisque ante malesuada eros amet per lobortis phasellus.

Open Mic Nights

Haven't done them for a while but a song will rise again. Maybe two or three of them. Stay tuned.